The Gucci Ophidia collection represents the ultimate series of Gucci handbags designed particularly for the most die-hard Gucci fans. Gucci Ophidia bags prominently feature all the timeless elements that make Gucci a sought after status symbol on an international level, specifically incorporating the brand's double G hardware, signature web stripe and the classic GG pattern.
It has a light and aged lining, that might have worn off. A matching colour organiser can make this bag your own (beige felt). So that you can enjoy and use it without worries.
The liner by Luxury Bag Heaven will maximise the space inside for offering a pocket and a choice of heart.
Sometimes, due to age, the bag also lost its shape...
A base shaper can make all the difference with that. Please choose from the small base shaper, in the shop.
Why not go all the way and add a bee detail on your liner for? Please add this extra from the shop, a key clip is also available there, as well as extra pockets.
Spoil your bag with the medium shaper pillow in various colours and fabrics, in the accessories section of shop.
*Please add in comments what colour heart you'd like or if you want me to choose
Vintage Ophidia top handle bag organiser liner Insert
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