We all have bags that we love, but maybe not enough space for them to be store displayed. So we all make these following mistakes, with storing them.
1. Under stuffing our bags.
As in, no filling, none at all. You maybe rely on the liner (Organiser) to do the work and do a double shift, all day every day. This leads to creases, folds and loss of shape in the long term.
2. Overstuffing our bags.
When the bags are not in use, we have the best intentions at heart, so we use TOO MUCH stuffing/filling. This normally comes in the form of old pillows and rags that distort the natural shape our bag. This good will gesture is not healthy for your bag's long term appearance.
3. Using the wrong kind of stuffing.
You go around your house and you look for old clothes, rags, scarves, hats, cardigans, bubble wrap and...Amazon's brown paper. and you end up with an oddly shaped mass that doesn't support the bag in all the little nooks and crannies it requires support in.
Shall I go on...?
I have been there and I know that you have been there too.
If you require some help, make sure to check Luxury Bag Heaven's little heroes here.
These are made for YOUR bag's size, specifications and requirements after doing some research.
Because when your bag is happy, so are you.
Show some love to your handbag, one shaper at a time.

P.S. You can now purchase more quickly by choosing PayPal Express at the checkout.
We don't have time to spare when we have such beautiful bags to take out this summer.
Moria x